Last week, we launched our new corporate video, in which we explain in depth three virtues of PET that define both this magnificent material and us as a company. In any case, today we are going to speak in depth about the first of them, usability.

Why usability?

The qualities of PET ae innumerable, but we can start by saying that PET is malleable, it is very versatile, it can take different forms and sophisticated designs adapted to each customer and each type of  package or specific piece for a product, in short, to each market need; it is, therefore,  very flexible and also unbreakable. The latter quality is of great interest in development of new applications, which substitute other more delicate or heavy packaging produced many years ago in a wide variety of materials, which involved greater risk of breakage in their handling.

Novapet_Utilidad_botellas maleables


Likewise, it is a hygienic and safe material, that ensures the hygiene and preservation of foods for long periods of time, thus minimizing decreases in the distribution chain. These two qualities are possibly some of the least known among PET users and are some of the most necessary in our daily life.  

Many of the foods we consume daily are contained in PET packaging, such as fruit, meat, cold cuts, cheese, juice, water, carbonated drinks, oil, vinegar, salads, pizzas, etc… the list is almost endless. Many of these products need to be packaged immediately after their preparation, to be distributed in the food chain. Without a PET package, this would not be possible. When we think about carrying bottled water when a natural catastrophe occurs, we must think about PET, but in fact, in many islands or places near the sea, without PET they could not drink potable water, and water is the sustenance and a primary need in our western society.


Novapet bandejas seguras higiénicas

Novapet PET stray for fruits

PET does not hide anything, it can be totally transparent, allowing the user a direct and immediate visual contact with the product. When, for example, we consume water or oil, it is a fact that, as individuals, we like to see the contents of the product we are using, whether directly for direct consumption, for cooking, etc. This is a fact and without this quality of PET, it would not be possible. Thus, PET gives confidence to the users.  

Novapet utilidad_envases alimentarios transparentes

Likewise, due to their lightness and resistance, this material is very efficient in their transport. Other materials show certain drawbacks in that they involve heavier weight in their transport, and hence, higher cost.  Both factors make their durability and handling very important characteristics for use in our daily life, practicing sports, working, in the gymnasium, at school, while travelling, etc.

Novapet utilidad botellas ligereza y transparencia

Can you think of anything else? Certainly, you can, so we invite you to think about your daily life with PET and all the “utilities” it provides us with and of course, to share them with us. Later, we will list all of them for you. 

We leave you again with our video, confident that in it, you will discover new details that will captivate you.

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