In October 2018, Ellen Mc Arthur Foundation in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme, presented the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment that now unites more than 500 organisations, including 250+ businesses that represent more than 20% of all plastic packaging used globally, behind a common vision to address plastic waste and pollution at its source, starting with plastic packaging.

Last 5th November 2020 was launched the second Global Commitment Progress Report, which provides detailed data on the progress being made against set 2025 public targets of individual business and government signatories.

Global Commitment 2020_report cover Novapet

While progress has been made between 2018 and 2019, if 2025 targets are to be achieved, much more must be done, and at a greater speed, to make plastic waste and pollution a thing of the past.

1. That is why businesses are called to: 

  • Take bold action on packaging types that are not recyclable today.
  • Set ambitious reduction targets.

2. As voluntary action by industry alone cannot deliver change on the scale and at the pace needed, governments are called to:

  • Establish policies and mechanisms that provide dedicated and stable funding for collection and sorting, through fair industry contributions, such as EPR, without which recycling is unlikely to ever scale.
  • Set a global direction and create an international framework for action, through the UN Environment Assembly, building on the vision for a circular economy for plastic.

2020 Compromiso Global NPE empresas y estado Novapet

Discover the progress made against set 2025 targets by 118 reporting businesses (where Novapet is included as one of the five raw materials producers – into non compostable plastics category), that produce, use, and recycle large volumes of plastic packaging and 17 governments across five continents, at the next link.

Global Commitment 2020_social- the question- Novapet

While it is encouraging to see the progress made by the Global Commitment signatories in some areas, it is in particular in the use of recycled plastic where accelerating current efforts is absolutely essential in order to achieve the 2025 targets. According to this, from Novapet we want to highlight that PET, and specifically PET bottles, demonstrate once again their great performance, being the most sustainable material and the real engine of the circular economy of plastics.

2nd Report NPE r-packaging vs no r-packaging

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