The SAMCA Group, through its Foundation, has once again demonstrated its social commitment by contributing with health material, consisting of 500,000 masks and 10,000 rapid tests, because of the Government of Aragon’s call to combat the Coronavirus #covid19 pandemic.
The forecast is the material will arrive in Zaragoza by plane today and will be available to the DGA and the Zaragoza City Council, thus becoming the first shipment organized through the #AragónenMarcha initiative.
- New at the Heraldo de Aragón newspaper:
At Farmaplás, a Novapet subsidiary company, located in Fuenlabrada, (Madrid), the packaging production continues to be 100%, as we are aware of our common responsibility as a necessary link in the distribution chain of food, hygiene or pharmaceutical products. Our products help to ensure that no basic supply is lacking in all Spanish homes and, even less, in health centers or pharmacies.
Proof of this commitment is the donation that Farmaplás makes today of 5,120 bottles and their dispensers, blown in their facilities in Fuenlabrada, to the Barcelona’s Clinic Hospital to be used with the disinfectant gel they produce in their laboratory, and which will be distributed to all their health personnel. It is a small contribution, which can, however, improve the working conditions and safety of those who are today on the front line of the battle against the virus.
- New at the Heraldo de Aragón newspaper: