If, under normal conditions, we are already regular PET consumers, in the current circumstances, when we have plannned, and even timed, our outings from home to collect basic necessities, we see how we are consuming a greater quantity of this material from the...
Petcore Europe is the association representing the complete PET (PolyEthylene Terephthalate) value chain in Europe since 1993 and each year, the European PET value chain meets in Brussels for the annual Petcore Europe Conference. This year the two day conference was...
Farmaplas’ new corporate image
Over a year has passed since the Aragonese SAMCA group acquired, through its subsidiary Novapet, a new company belonging to the packaging sector, Farmaplás, reinforcing its market position as a plastic packaging transformer.Farmaplás is located at the industrial...
TED Talk – Plastics Rehab
Today we bring you an extraordinary talk that we discovered on the TED Talks platform of Professor Kim Ragaert, from Ghent University, where she exposes us with clear arguments, consolidated figures and an excellent touch of humor, the reality of plastics in front of...
Phase 1: Selective PET collection project
In Novapet we trully believe that PET production industry sustainability goes through concrete actions in which we can all contribute step by step. And it is, in this aspect, where phase 1 of a very special project for us, will be developed during this year...